Sunday, 11 July 2021

On Our Way North

On our way north: we left Tin Can Bay marina on a gloomy grey day, we ventured up the inside of Fraser crossing Sheridan Flats some 5 hours later on a rising tide. We crossed early afternoon with 1.5m of tide, Penzance draws 1.9m so it’s always a nervous time. The crossing was uneventful with the navionics preferred track on our new Simrad EVO plotter proving invaluable.

South White Cliffs was our destination, just 30 minutes north of Sheridan Flats and a perfect spot with the forecast SE winds that night. We dropped anchor in 4m of water in nice and close to the cliffs giving us a really peaceful nights rest.

The next morning we were up early to catch the outgoing tide. The tide floods north and south of Sheridan Flats and getting this right makes a massive difference. We were underway nice and early, low tide in Hervey Bay was 11am and we got a real kick with 2knots of tide pushing us up into the Bay.

As the sun rose we were greeted by a beautiful Qld winters day, entering Hervey Bay the water was glassy and even a few turtles and a curious dolphin.

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